


Fuki Cakes promises to bake your dream pastries with all our love that everyone will enjoy.

These freshly made cakes can be ordered for all occasions. Order a special cake as a once in a life time gift, a reward for yourself, or for your tea time with your loved ones.



Fuki Cakesを創るまでにたくさんの道のりがありました。

私は神奈川県相模原市で生まれました。幼い頃から母の白砂糖を使わない料理で育ち、小さい頃からお菓子作りに励んでいました。大人になってからは、いろいろな国に旅をして伝統料理や現地の人たちと触れ合うことで影響を受けてきました。2010年製菓専門学校に入学。2年勉強したのち製菓衛生士の資格を取得しました。卒業後は某有名ケーキ店にて勤務をし、その後自然派保育園に転職。保育園では健康面や食材への自然の恵みに感謝をして、いただくことをたくさん学びました。またアレルギーを持つ子どももいる中で、みんなで一緒に食べられるおやつを子ども達と作る。2018年カリフォルニア州サンディエゴに留学。一度はパティシエという道を離れましたが多国籍の文化の中でお菓子作りの楽しさを再確認し、誰もが安心して食べられる体にやさしいお菓子作りのFuki Cakesをサンディエゴにてスタートしました。現在は生まれ育った相模原市の実家、豊国屋で幼少期に過ごした同じキッチンに立ち、お菓子の製造・販売をしています。


I was born in Sagamihara, Kanagawa, Japan and I grew up with my mother’s recipes that use no refined sugar. I spent a lot of time baking since I was little. As an adult I visited many countries and was inspired by local people and traditional recipes for many dishes to pursue my love of baking.

I enrolled in International Food and Confectionary College in 2010 studying for 2 years and receiving a certification for Confectionary Hygiene Master. Upon graduation I was employed at a pastry shop in Tokyo. After I left the pastry shop I started to work at a nursery school which taught the health effects of food and thankfulness for the blessing of nature when we have a meal. I learned that there are children who had allergies to some foods in the nursery school. We made allergen friendly snacks together. I then studied in San Diego during 2018. I realized how rewarding baking was after my friends from different countries complimented my pastries. From that experience I decided to start “Fuki Cakes” which is healthy and baked with safe ingredients. I am now back in my hometown, Sagamihara, Kanagawa, Japan baking pastries in the same kitchen as my childhood.

My passion is to create new and unexpected pastries that inspire a sense of happiness and the excitement of a new discovery.

I will continue to travel for the enjoyment of experiencing new food, culture, languages and making new friends.

Fuki Cakes@2020